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50+ Pay Per Click (PPC) Statistics to Know in 2020

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ppc statistics for 2019 and 2020
Pay per click advertising is one of the best marketing investments you can make in 2020 and beyond. Not only are both Bing and Google Ads PPC ads a relatively cheap cost per click compared to other marketing avenues, but they also target people where and when they most likely to need your product. Before you get started on your Google PPC (or Bing PPC) campaign, you should familiarize yourself with the statistics that make it worth it. These PPC statistics should help you get a good measurement of what to expect and which types of pay per click ads will work best for high conversion rates. Below you’ll see PPC stats that support:
  • Why you should choose PPC ads
  • PPC search ad statistics
  • Mobile advertising statistics
  • Google Local Services ads statistics
  • PPC display ad statists
  • PPC and local search ads
  • Pay per click statistics for industry benchmarks
  • What makes people convert?

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Why Choose Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads in 2020?

Why choose PPC ads? Because you’re reaching the people you want to reach where and when you what to reach them. Display ads can be shown on specific websites that relate to your business, and search ads appear at the top of the search engine results. These Microsoft Ads and Google Ads statistics should clear up any other questions about display ads:
  • Paid ads have an 11.38% CTR on Google (Sparktoro, 2019)
  • Three-fourths of people (75%) say paid search ads make it easier to find the information they are searching for on a website or search engine. One-third of people (33%) click on a paid search ad because it directly answers their search query. (Search Engine Land, 2019)
  • 49% of people said they click on text ads; 31% on Shopping ads; and 16% on video ads. (Search Engine Land, 2019)
  • 63% of people said they’d click on a Google ad. (Search Engine Land, 2019)
  • Google Ads results receive 65% of the clicks that started with buying keywords, while organic results only receive 35% (Craig McConnel)
  • Businesses make an average of $2 in income for every $1 they spend in Google Ads. (Google)
  • On average, 41% of clicks go to the top 3 paid ads on the search results page. (Wordstream)
  • For high commercial intent searches (someone looking to buy a product) paid ads get 65% of all clicks. (Wordstream)
  • The average click-through rate for an ad in the first position is 7.94%. An average click-through rate is 2%. (AccuraCast)
  • PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors. (Unbounce)
  • 65% of B2B companies have acquired a customer through LinkedIn paid ads. (HubSpot)
  • One company increased their PPC ROI by 2.5 times with Facebook remarketing. (AdRoll)
  • Search ads can increase brand awareness by 80%. (Google)
  • 75% of people who find local, helpful information in search results are more likely to visit the physical stores. (Google)
  • Terra Organics attributes 25% of its new customers to its targeted search campaigns. (Google)
  • Display advertising has proven to increase traffic to websites by 300%. (Visually)
  • There are at least 300,000 mobile apps currently serving Google Mobile Ads. (Creative Roots Marketing)
  • 43% of new customers buy something they saw in a YouTube ad. (Contently)
  • Google Ads’ competitive rate of 87% allows your advertisement to fairly promote your products or services making you a competitor to those in similar industries. (Optimus 01)
  • The legal industry has the highest average cost per actions: $135.17 (Search Engine Land)
  • The industry with the best average conversion rate for Google search ads: Insurance and Finance. (7.19%) (Search Engine Land)
  • The industry with the best average conversion rate for Google display ads is Home Goods (2.19%). (Search Engine Land)
  • The average person is served over 1,700 banner ads per month, but only half of them are ever viewed.
  • The proportion of desktop and laptop users who use blockers is more than twice as large as the proportion of smartphone users who use blockers. (Business Insider, 2017)
  • Adblocking in the U.S. has increased from 15% to 30% since 2014. (Statitsa, 2018)
  • 30% of marketers think outbound marketing tactics are overrated. (HubSpot, 2018)
  • 70% of millennials like it when they can click on a product from an ad. (Google, 2018)

Search Ad Statistics

Google search ads (and Bing search ads) target people at the moment they’re searching for your product or service. They appear at the top (or bottom) of the search engine results page, and if you can secure the top spot you’re pretty much golden.
  • Google reports that search ads can boost brand awareness by as much as 80%, making consumers more likely to remember your brand interact.
  • 75% of people that click on ads say said search ads make it easier to find the information they’re looking for. (Search Engine Land, 2019)
  • There are 160 billion+ monthly Google searches.
  • In 2018, consumers who click on an advertiser’s Google search ad prior to visiting a store are 27% more likely to buy something in-store. (Google)
  • Consumers who clicked on an advertiser’s Google search ad prior to visiting a store spend over 10% more, on average. (Google)
  • 51% of searches are longer than 4 words. (Wordstream)
  • Appx. 70% of all online searches are Google searches.
  • Appx. 1,200 words count average for top content. Niel Patel
  • 90% of online users trust reviews. (Google)
  • 75% of marketers say SEO is content creation.
  • 97% of consumers go online to find local products and services
  • 95.3% of clicks go to the top 4 results.
  • 40% of store purchases start online.
  • WordPress blogs get 93% more links than HTML, CSS, Godaddy, Square Space.
  • 66% of buyer-intent keywords are paid clicks. (Clever Clicks, 2018)

Mobile Advertising Statistics

  • Marketers and advertisers are putting 51% of their budget into mobile ads. (Impact, 2017)
  • Both desktop and mobile ads deliver branding effectiveness, but mobile ads perform better. (Com Score, 2016)
  • Google drives 95% of all paid search ad clicks on mobile. (Business Insider, 2016)
  • Two-thirds of consumers can recall a specific brand they have seen advertised on mobile in the last week. (Business Wire, 2018)
  • 60% of consumers click on mobile ads at least weekly. (Business Wire, 2018)
  • By 2019, mobile advertising is expected to represent 72% of all U.S. digital ad spending. (MarketingLand, 2018)
  • 87% of Facebook’s advertising revenue comes from mobile. (AdWeek)

Google Local Services Ads Statistics

  • Local Services ads by Google receive 13.8% of local SERP clicks (BrightLocal, 2019)
  • The presence of Local Services ads affects the number of clicks for all other SERP types. (BrightLocal, 2019)
  • When LSAs are present, 25.3% of all clicks are on paid results. When LSAs are absent, this is 14.6% – a difference of 10.7%. (BrightLocal, 2019)
  • Organic results receive the most clicks of all SERP types, though they see a drop off when LSAs are present. (BrightLocal, 2019)
  • Organic position 1 receives the highest number of standard SERP clicks. (BrightLocal, 2019)
  • Review ratings are the biggest driver of clicks in local SERPs. (BrightLocal, 2019)

PPC Display Ad Statistics

Display ads are perfect for brand awareness and getting your product top-of-mind. You do have to be careful, however, as display ads aren’t always well-received by consumers. You also need to make sure you pick the right PPC keywords in order to get PPC traffic to your website—traffic that turns into leads.
  • The average clickthrough rate of display ads across all formats and placements is 0.06%.  (Display Benchmarks Tool)
  • Adblocking grew by 30% in 2016. (Business Insider)
  • There were 615 million devices blocking ads worldwide by the end of 2016.
  • A 2013 study revealed that 28% of respondents admitted to hiding their activities from advertisers — second only to criminals. (Pew Research Center)
  • A study revealed that only 2.8% of participants thought that ads on a website were relevant. (bannerblindness.org)
  • 25- to 34-year-olds are more likely to ignore online ads, such as banners and those on social media and search engines than they were traditional TV, radio and newspaper ads.
  • About 50% of clicks on mobile ads are accidental. (GoldSpot Media)
  • 54% of users don’t click banner ads because they don’t trust them. (BannerSnack)
  • 33% of internet users find display ads completely intolerable. (Adobe)

PPC and Local Search Statistics

Local search is the present and future of pay per click advertising. Local “near me” searches are gaining popularity, and if you have a local business, you’re going to want to heavily invest in local search and paid ads marketing.
  • 72% of consumers who did a local search visited a store within five miles. (WordStream, 2016)
  • 30% of mobile searches are related to a location. (Google, 2016)
  • 28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase. (Google, 2016)
  • Local searches lead 50% of mobile visitors to visit stores within one day. (Google, 2014)
  • 78% of local mobile searches result in offline purchases. (Search Engine Land, 2014)

PPC Industry Benchmark Stats

An important factor to consider before you start out on your PPC adventure is that different industries have different benchmarks. You need to know your specific industry’s benchmarks, or else you’re setting yourself up for failure. We came across this AMAZING infographic from Wordstream, and it pretty much sums up any industry benchmarks for PPC.

What Makes People Click and Convert? PPC Statistics You Should Know

  • 77% of people say they’re confident they can recognize search advertisements in the results. (Search Engine Land, 2019)
  • Social and mobile gaming video ads have a 91% viewing completion rate. (CMO)
  • Consumers are 27 times more likely to click on online video ads than standard banners. (CMO)
  • 69% of searchers that are mobile call a business straight from Google search.
  • 36% of searches on Google are associated with a location.

Bing and Google Ads Pay Per Click Advertising with Blue Corona

Yes, Bing and Google Ads (AdWords) PPC ads can be simple, but they can also be incredibly complex. We highly recommend you brush up on our blog posts about PPC, and then give us a shout for PPC campaign management from one of the top PPC advertising companies out there.

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